Harsh Agarwal – MSR Thesis Talk
Zoom Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/99544484313 Title DeepBLE - Generalizing RSSI based Localization Across Different Devices Abstract Accurate smartphone localization ( < 1-meter error) for indoor navigation using only RSSI received from a set of BLE beacons remains a challenging problem, due to the inherent noise of RSSI measurements. To overcome the large variance in [...]
Xia Chen – MSR Thesis Talks
ZOOM Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/93785335144 Title: Combining Semantic and Geometric Understanding for Modern Visual Recognition Tasks Abstract: For autonomous driving perception, visual data, such as camera image and LiDAR point cloud, consists of two aspects: semantic feature and geometric structure. While usually studied separately, these two properties can be combined and jointly used by a unified framework. [...]
Himanshi Yadav – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/96397153508 Title: A Comprehensive Study of Unsupervised Classification Techniques for Hyperspectral Datasets Abstract: Unsupervised learning and in this specific research, clustering regional composition in hyperspectral images, poses significant challenges in the fields of machine learning and remote sensing. Hyperspectral images capture the spectral information in many wavelengths, as opposed to typical images that [...]
Alan Zhao – MSR Thesis Talk
Zoom Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/98144379626 Title Learning Precise and Task-oriented Grasps for Robotic Assembly Abstract Robust, precise, and task-oriented grasp planning is vital for autonomous robotic assembly. It requires reasoning about the object geometry and preconditions of a task so as to properly grasp an object and complete the down-stream tasks. However, achieving such [...]