Benjamin Freed – MSR Thesis Talk
Where?: Title: Discrete Communication Learning via Backpropagation for Distributed Computing on Bandwidth-Limited Communication Networks Abstract: Efficient inter-agent communication is an important requirement for both cooperative multi-agent robotics tasks, as well as distributed computing. In both of these domains, the rate at which information can be transferred between robots or computing nodes is often [...]
Tanvir Parhar – MSR Thesis Talk
Zoom Link: Title: Applications of Deep Learning for Robotic Agriculture. Abstract: Agricultural automation is a varied and challenging field, with tasks ranging from detection to sizing and from manipulation to navigation. These are also precursors to effective plant breeding and management. Making plant measurements by manually scouting is labor-intensive and intractable at large scale. [...]
Hitesh Arora – MSR Thesis Talk
Zoom link: Title: Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving Abstract: Modern autonomous driving systems continue to face the challenges of handling complex and variable multi-agent real-world scenarios. Some subsystems, such as perception, use deep learning-based approaches to leverage large amounts of data to generalize to novel scenes. Other subsystems, such as planning [...]