Aaron Miller – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95386019509?pwd=cmNnTm9lWWlNbTh1SmQ0RU5PVTBmQT09 Title: Cooperative Perception for Pairs of Self-Driving Cars   Abstract: Fully autonomous vehicles are expected to share the road with less advanced vehicles for a significant period of time. Furthermore, an increasing number of vehicles on the road are equipped with a variety of low-fidelity sensors which provide some perception and localization [...]

Sara Misra – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/3216213856   Title: Learning-based modular framework for environment-adaptive planning in exploration tasks   Abstract: Search-based path planning has spawned a number of different solutions using different paradigms and strategies, both generalized and specific to certain problems, representations, and environments. Split into heuristic and non-heuristic based approaches, where heuristic-based approaches, embedded within these approaches [...]

Blake Buchanan – MSR Thesis Talk

Location: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/99874277969?pwd=Q1MvczNhWTB4UmF3UXFOMEFtVG1uZz09 Title: Mechanics and Control of Coupled Interactions in Ambient Media Abstract: Many multi-agent systems in nature comprise agents that interact with, and respond to, the dynamics of their environment. For example, fish school based on the fundamental fluid phenomena of vortex shedding, birds shed leading-edge vortices in formation for flocking, and E. coli bacteria [...]