Michael Tasota – MSR Thesis Talk


Title: Design of a Multimodal System for Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Classrooms   Abstract: As the prevalence of mobile and touch-based devices continues to expand in society, so too does its impact on young children. With educational technologies also on the rise, young children benefit most from those technologies that are designed to [...]

MSR Thesis Talk: Aaron Huang

Title: End-to-End Methods for Autonomous Driving in Simulation   Abstract: Fully autonomous driving is considered one of the grand challenges of modern technology and a variety of approaches have emerged for creating and evaluating autonomous driving agents. The self-driving industry typically adopts a modular software architecture and uses large fleets of autonomous vehicles for data [...]

MSR Thesis Talk

Title: Retrieval-based Novel Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos   Abstract: Accurately detecting activities in untrimmed videos is a challenging task as systems need to handle variance in object scales, multiple viewpoints, and multiple types of activities. Furthermore, in a real-world scenario, activity detectors are often required to detect novel kinds of activities when the need [...]

Semantic Mapping for Autonomous Navigation and Exploration

Abstract: The last two decades have seen enormous progress in the sensors and algorithms for 3D perception, giving robots the means to build accurate spatial maps and localize themselves in them in real time. The geometric information in these maps is invaluable for navigation while avoiding obstacles, but insufficient, by itself, for robots to robustly [...]