An autonomous navigation system that could hopefully support RI research

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

I will show a few videos as the key results of our research in the last several years. These results span the scope of state estimation, mapping, autonomous navigation, and exploration. While these results illustrate separate pieces of work, the underlying modules contribute to a final, integrated autonomy system in the end. I will show a simulation [...]

Combining Offline Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Multi-Agent Planning for Autonomous Driving

GHC 4405

Abstract: Fully autonomous vehicles have the potential to greatly reduce vehicular accidents and revolutionize how people travel and how we transport goods. Many of the major challenges for autonomous driving systems emerge from the numerous traffic situations that require complex interactions with other agents. For the foreseeable future, autonomous vehicles will have to share the [...]

Argo Poster Session

Newell Simon Hall Atrium

Join us for an opportunity to see what Center students have been working on.  Check out an Argo AI self-driving car in person, and grab some free appetizers, soft drinks, and Argo AI swag! All are welcome to attend.