MSR Thesis Talk: Seth Karten

NSH 3305

Title: Emergent Communication and Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Teams Abstract: Explicit communication among humans is key to coordinating and learning. In multi-agent reinforcement learning for partially-observable environments, agents may convey information to others via learned communication, allowing the team to complete its task. However, agents need to be able to communicate more than simply referential messages [...]

MSR Thesis Talk: Mansi Agarwal

NSH 4305

Title: Unfolding the Potential of Point-Based Correspondences for Cloth Manipulation   Abstract: Robotic cloth manipulation is an active area of research with numerous applications in domestic and industrial environments. However, prior work in this field have limitations that restrict their applicability in real-world scenarios, such as handling unaligned configurations and requiring subgoals for long-horizon tasks. [...]