MSR Thesis Talk: Akshaya Kesarimangalam Srinivasan
NSH 4305Title: Multi-agent Multi-objective Ergodic Search Abstract: In order to find points of interest in a given domain, many planners use a priori information to guide the search to expedite the detection of targets. We present an approach to direct multiple agents (MA) to search a given domain subject to multiple objectives (MO), each characterized by its own information [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Joshua Spisak
NSH 3305Title: Stochastic Optimization for Autonomous Navigation, Leveraging Parallel Computation Abstract: Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) is a framework that allows disturbances and uncertainty in system models to be accounted for in its optimization framework. Despite accounting for this uncertainty, many first and second order methods for solving SOC problems are subject to local minima and are [...]