Strategy assessment for solving rich physical problems
NSH 4305Abstract: We present a framework that acts as an "intuitive physics reasoner" which takes in strategies expressed in natural language (whether from a human or LLM), and assesses their validity based on a physics knowledge library. We believe the ability to quickly determine whether a strategy is worth considering and allocating further resources to planning [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Siva Kailas
1305 Newell Simon HallTitle: Multi-Robot Information Gathering for Spatiotemporal Environment Modelling Abstract: Learning to predict or forecast spatiotemporal (ST) environmental processes from a sparse set of samples collected autonomously is a difficult task from both a sampling perspective (collecting the best sparse samples) and from a learning perspective (predicting unseen locations or forecasting the next timestep). We investigate [...]
MRS Thesis Talk: Ruijie Fu
Newell-Simon Hall 3305Title: Towards Mechanical Communication in Multi-Agent Locomotive Systems: Principally Kinematic Robots on a Shared Platform Abstract: Many biological multi-agent systems exhibit a mechanism for information exchange among individuals known as mechanical communication, which leads to the emergence of collective behavior within the group. One such example is the swarming behavior of bacteria, where they form rafts [...]