Robot Learning for Assistive Dressing
NSH 4305Abstract: Robot-assisted dressing could benefit the lives of many people such as older adults and individuals with disabilities. In this talk, I will present two pieces of work that use robot learning for this assistive task. In the first half of the talk, I will present our work on developing a robot-assisted dressing system that [...]
RI Faculty Meeting: Multi-Robot Field Autonomy: A 5 Year Perspective
Newell-Simon Hall 4305LIVE DEMO! Come see, hear and witness progress made in developing a heterogeneous (wheeled, legged, etc.) team of field deployable mobile robots. Details will be shared on the history of development of multi-robot autonomy at CMU throughout the previous DARPA Subterranean Challenge, DARPA RACER program, and current ARL projects. There will be an ongoing live and interactive [...]
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.
Robots at the Johnson Space Center and Future Plans
1305 Newell Simon HallAbstract: The seminar will review a series of robotic systems built at the Johnson Space Center over the last 20 years. These will include wearable robots (exoskeletons, powered gloves and jetpacks), manipulation systems (ISS cranes down to human scale) and lunar mobility systems (human surface mobility and robotic rovers). As all robotics presentations should, this [...]