Imitating Shortest Paths in Simulation Enables Effective Navigation and Manipulation in the Real World

Newell-Simon Hall 3305

Abstract: We show that imitating shortest-path planners in simulation produces Stretch RE-1 robotic agents that, given language instructions, can proficiently navigate, explore, and manipulate objects in both simulation and in the real world using only RGB sensors (no depth maps or GPS coordinates). This surprising result is enabled by our end-to-end, transformer-based, SPOC architecture, powerful [...]

Towards diverse zero-shot manipulation via actualizing visual plans

GHC 4405

Abstract: In this thesis, we seek to learn a generalizable goal-conditioned policy that enables zero-shot robot manipulation — interacting with unseen objects in novel scenes without test-time adaptation. Robots that can be reliably deployed out-of-the-box in new scenarios have the potential for helping humans in everyday tasks. Not requiring any test-time training through demonstrations or [...]