Beyond Robot Safety: Adaptability and Interactivity
NSH 3002Abstract: The deployment of autonomous robots in various areas, including transportation and human-robot collaboration, requires strong safety measures for effective interaction with the physical world. Traditional safe control algorithms work well in controlled settings but struggle to adapt to more interactive and unpredictable real-world scenarios. This thesis emphasizes the need to explore beyond traditional robot [...]
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.
Indoor Localization and Mapping with 4D mmWave Imaging Radar
GHC 6501Abstract: State estimation is a crucial component for the successful implementation of robotic systems, relying on sensors such as cameras, LiDAR, and IMUs. However, in real-world scenarios, the performance of these sensors is degraded by challenging environments, e.g. adverse weather conditions and low-light scenarios. The emerging 4D imaging radar technology is capable of providing robust perception in adverse conditions. [...]
PIE-FRIDA: Personalized Interactive Emotion-Guided Collaborative Human-Robot Art Creation
Gates Hillman Center 4405Abstract: The introduction of generative AI has brought about many improvements in the artistic world. It allows many individuals to create artwork via simple descriptive text prompts. This has, in particular, created an avenue for non-artistic individuals to express their thoughts through generated art. Our work focuses on how emotion can be added as an [...]
Where’s RobotGPT?
1305 Newell Simon HallAbstract: The last years have seen astonishing progress in the capabilities of generative AI techniques, particularly in the areas of language and visual understanding and generation. Key to the success of these models are the use of image and text data sets of unprecedented scale along with models that are able to digest such large [...]