Optimal Modular Robot Design for Mobile Manipulation in Agriculture
NSH 3305Abstract: Although agriculture is a highly mechanized industry, numerous sectors like horticulture and floriculture heavily depend on manual labor because they require safe handling of plants and produce that can only be left to humans. However, many research and commercial robots have succeeded in several challenging dexterous manipulation tasks like harvesting, pruning, and plant health [...]
Aligning Robot Task and Interaction Policies to Human Values
Abstract: The value alignment problem considers how robots can learn to behave in accordance with human values. Today, robot learning paradigms enable humans to provide data (e.g., preference labels or demonstrations), which the robot uses to update its behavior (e.g., reward model or policy) to be closer to the human’s values. However, the current paradigm [...]
Learned Imaging Systems
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Abstract: Computational imaging systems are based on the joint design of optics and associated image reconstruction algorithms. Of particular interest in recent years has been the development of end-to-end learned “Deep Optics” systems that use differentiable optical simulation in combination with backpropagation to simultaneously learn optical design and deep network post-processing for applications such as hyperspectral [...]