GNSS-denied Ground Vehicle Localization for Off-road Environments with Bird’s-eye-view Synthesis
NSH 4305Abstract: Global localization is essential for the smooth navigation of autonomous vehicles. To obtain accurate vehicle states, on-board localization systems typically rely on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) modules for consistent and reliable global positioning. However, GNSS signals can be obstructed by natural or artificial barriers, leading to temporary system failures and degraded state estimation. On the [...]
Scaling up Robot Skill Learning with Generative Simulation
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Abstract: Generalist robots need to learn a wide variety of skills to perform diverse tasks across multiple environments. Current robot training pipelines rely on humans to either provide kinesthetic demonstrations or program simulation environments with manually-designed reward functions for reinforcement learning. Such human involvement is an important bottleneck towards scaling up robot learning across diverse [...]