DeltaWalker: A Soft, Linearly Actuated Delta Quadruped Robot
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Abstract: Quadruped robots offer a versatile solution for navigating complex terrain, making them valuable for applications such as industrial automation or search and rescue. Although quadrupeds are more complex than bipeds, they are easier to balance and control and require fewer joints to actuate compared to hexapods. Traditional quadruped designs, however, often feature complex leg [...]
Propagative Distance Optimization for Constrained Inverse Kinematics
GHC 6501Abstract: This work investigates a constrained inverse kinematic (IK) problem that seeks a feasible configuration of an articulated robot under various constraints such as joint limits and obstacle collision avoidance. Due to the high-dimensionality and complex constraints, this problem is often solved numerically via iterative local optimization. Classic local optimization methods take joint angles as [...]
Advancing Legged Robot Agility: from Video Imitation to GPU Acceleration
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Abstract: Achieving human and animal-level agility has been a long-standing goal in robotics research. Recent advancements in numerical optimization and machine learning have pushed legged systems to greater capabilities than ever before, enabling black flips, parkour, and manipulation of heavy objects. Despite these exciting developments, this thesis identifies two key limitations of current legged robot [...]