HaptiClay: An Interactive Haptic Interface for Gestured Concretization of Polynomial Functions

NSH 4305

Abstract: In this work we present HaptiClay, a low-cost kinesthetic haptic interface that elevates the understanding of mathematics language by providing embodied non-verbal representations of math concepts. Our interface integrates four key components: a haptic device, a high-level simulation that communicates with a low-level controller for force and position updates, a low-level controller that executes [...]

High-resolution cloth simulation in milliseconds: Efficient GPU Cloth Simulation with Non-distance Barriers and Subspace Reuse Interactions

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: We show how to push the performance of high-resolution cloth simulation, making the simulation interactive (in milliseconds) for models with one million degrees of freedom (DOFs) while keeping every triangle untangled. The guarantee of being penetration-free is inspired by the interior-point method, which converts the inequality constraints to barrier potentials. Nevertheless, we propose a [...]

Better Standards for Trajectory Forecasting: Data, Evaluation, and Methods

GHC 8102

Abstract: Ensuring pedestrian safety in dynamic environments is a key challenge for autonomous systems, particularly in dynamic, multi-agent environments. Trajectory forecasting plays a central role in enabling these systems to anticipate pedestrian behaviors and respond appropriately. This thesis addresses three core limitations in trajectory forecasting systems which impede safe and robust trajectory forecasting: inadequate evaluation protocols [...]