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Events for March 2022 › Faculty Events › – Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon UniversitySkip to content
Abstract: Modern machine learning systems have made astonishing progress in automating labor-intensive tasks such as visual recognition and machine translation. While ML systems complete these tasks better and faster, humans are largely left behind. Indeed, most humans are entirely excluded from the creation process of machine learning models, except for tedious data annotation. In [...]
Abstract: Our sense of touch is present in almost all our interactions with the world, from providing us with the feedback necessary to perceive and manipulate objects without having to look at them, to allowing our limbs to move and walk without us having to think about how to take the next step. We use [...]
RI Council is a leadership group made up of the Director of RI, Academic Program Leads, Committee Chairs, and members at large as appointed by the Director. RI Council meets generally once a week to discuss department business.