Faculty Events
Carnegie Mellon University
Generalization for Robot Learning In The Wild
Abstract: How can we train a robot that can generalize to perform thousands of tasks in thousands of environments? This question underscores the holy grail of robot learning, more generally machine learning, research. Current AI systems are incredibly specific in that they only perform the tasks they are trained for and are miserable at generalization. [...]
Details to Follow . . .
Details to Follow . . .
Five Traps for Robots in Human Environments….And How to Avoid Them
Abstract: Robotics today is moving beyond fixed environments and into human spaces like homes, restaurants, and hospitals. In these new spaces, robots will necessarily have to interact with people. In some sense, every recent robotics problem is partly a human-robot interaction problem. Thus, the field of HRI can offer insights to the broader robotics community [...]
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.
An autonomous navigation system that could hopefully support RI research
I will show a few videos as the key results of our research in the last several years. These results span the scope of state estimation, mapping, autonomous navigation, and exploration. While these results illustrate separate pieces of work, the underlying modules contribute to a final, integrated autonomy system in the end. I will show a simulation [...]
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.