VASC Seminar
Saining Xie
Assistant Professor
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Building Scalable Visual Intelligence: From Represention to Understanding and Generation

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: In this talk, we will dive into our recent work on vision-centric generative AI, focusing on how it helps with understanding and creating visual content like images and videos. We'll cover the latest advances, including multimodal large language models for visual understanding and diffusion transformers for visual generation. We'll explore how these two areas [...]

RI Seminar
Anirudha Majumdar
Associate Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University

Robots That Know When They Don’t Know

1403 Tepper School Building

Abstract: Foundation models from machine learning have enabled rapid advances in perception, planning, and natural language understanding for robots. However, current systems lack any rigorous assurances when required to generalize to novel scenarios. For example, perception systems can fail to identify or localize unfamiliar objects, and large language model (LLM)-based planners can hallucinate outputs that [...]