RI Seminar
Dennis Hong
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech

Roll, Crawl, Walk, Climb, and Jump: Robot Locomotion Inspired by Nature and Beyond

Event Location: NSH 1305 Abstract: Most mobile robots we see today utilize wheels or treads to move around. But why don't we see such locomotion mechanisms in nature? Or a better question we should ask is: why don't we use locomotion mechanisms used in nature for creating robots? Animals move in various ways; crawling, walking, [...]

Nicholas Melchior
The Robotics Institute

Active Learning of Embedded Region-based Trajectories

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 3002Abstract: The use of robots in industry, domestic applications, and even space exploration is no longer the realm of science fiction. As robots become commonplace tools in diverse applications, though, human operators must be able to instruct the robots in how they are to complete the tasks assigned to them. [...]