VASC Seminar
Saining Xie
Ph.D. Candidate
Computer Science, UC San Diego

Deep Representation Learning with Induced Structural Priors

Gates 6115

Abstract: With the support of big-data and big-compute, deep learning has reshaped the landscape of research and applications in artificial intelligence. Whilst traditional hand-guided feature engineering in many cases is simplified, the deep network architectures become increasingly more complex. A central question is if we can distill the minimal set of structural priors that can [...]

VASC Seminar
Deepak Pathak
Ph.D. Candidate
Computer Science at UC Berkeley

Lifelong Learning via Curiosity and Self-supervision

GHC 6501

Abstract: Humans demonstrate remarkable ability to generalize their knowledge and skills to new unseen scenarios. One of the primary reasons is that they are continually learning by acting in the environment and adapting to novel circumstances. This is in sharp contrast to our current machine learning algorithms which are incredibly narrow in only performing the [...]

VASC Seminar
Gerard Pons-Moll
Research Group Leader
Max Planck for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus

Capturing and Learning Digital Humans

GHC 6501

Abstract: The world is shifting towards a digitization of everything -- music, books, movies and news in digital form are common in our everyday lives. Digitizing human beings would redefine the way we think and communicate (with other humans and with machines), and it is necessary for many applications; for example, to transport people into virtual and augmented reality, [...]

VASC Seminar
Iasonas Kokkinos
Research Scientist
Facebook AI Research

Deformable models meet deep learning: supervised and unsupervised approaches

GHC 6501

Abstract: In this talk I will be presenting recent work on combining ideas from deformable models with deep learning. I will start by describing DenseReg and DensePose, two recently introduced systems for establishing dense correspondences between 2D images and 3D surface models ``in the wild'', namely in the presence of background, occlusions, and multiple objects. [...]

VASC Seminar
Yuandong Tian
Research Scientist & Manager
Facebook AI Research

Building Scalable Framework and Environment of Reinforcement Learning

GHC 6501

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has made strong progress in many tasks that are traditionally considered to be difficult, such as complete information games, navigation, architecture search, etc. Although the basic principle of DRL is quite simple and straightforward, to make it work often requires substantially more samples with more computational resource, compared to traditional [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Abhinav Valada
Ph.D. Candidate
Autonomous Intelligent Systems Lab, University of Freiburg

Learning Deep Multimodal Features for Reliable and Comprehensive Scene Understanding

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract Robust scene understanding is a critical and essential task for autonomous navigation. This problem is heavily influenced by changing environmental conditions that take place throughout the day and across seasons. In order to learn models that are impervious to these factors, mechanisms that intelligently fuse features from complementary modalities and spectra have to be [...]

VASC Seminar
Byeong Keun Kang
Ph.D. Candidate
UC San Diego

Scene Understanding

GHC 6501

Abstract: Accurate and efficient scene understanding is a fundamental task in a variety of computer vision applications including autonomous driving, human-machine interaction, and robot navigation. Reducing computational complexity and memory use is important to minimize response time and power consumption for portable devices such as robots and virtual/augmented devices. Also, it is beneficial for vehicles [...]

VASC Seminar
Shervin Ardeshir
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Central Florida

Relating First-person and Third-person Videos

GHC 6501

Abstract: Thanks to the availability and increasing popularity of wearable devices such as GoPro cameras, smart phones and glasses, we have access to a plethora of videos captured from the first person perspective. Capturing the world from the perspective of one's self, egocentric videos bear characteristics distinct from the more traditional third-person (exocentric) videos. In [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Reactive Flight Control Policies: from LIDAR measurements to Actions

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract The end goal of a reactive flight control pipeline is to output control commands based on local sensor inputs. Classical state estimation and control algorithms break down this problem by first estimating the robot’s velocity and then computing a roll and pitch command based on that velocity. However, this approach is not robust in [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Autonomous 3D Reconstruction in Underwater Unstructured Scenes

GHC 4405

Abstract Reconstruction of marine structures such as pilings underneath piers presents a plethora of interesting challenges. It is one of those tasks better suited to a robot due to harsh underwater environments. Underwater reconstruction typically involves human operators remotely controlling the robot to predetermined way-points based on some prior knowledge of the location and model [...]