VASC Seminar
Joseph Lim
PhD Student

3D Object Understanding

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Joseph Lim is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is advised by Professor Antonio Torralba. His research interests are in computer vision and machine learning. He has been motivated by the goal of building computer systems that [...]

VASC Seminar
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
Postdoctoral Researcher
Stanford University

Decoupling Algorithms from the Organization of Computation for High-Performance Image Processing

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Jonathan Ragan-Kelley is a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford, where he works with Pat Hanrahan. He recently finished his PhD in computer science at MIT, where he worked with Frédo Durand and Saman Amarasinghe. His work focuses on high-efficiency computer graphics, at the intersection of graphics with systems, architecture, and compilers. He [...]

VASC Seminar
Shiguang Shan
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Visual Representation and Metrics for Face Classification with Image Sets

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Shiguang Shan is now a visiting scholar with Dr. Alex Hauptmann at CMU. He received Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in 2004. He then joined ICT, CAS and has been a Professor since 2010. He is now [...]

VASC Seminar
Xinlei Chen
Graduate Research Assistant, PhD

Learning a Recurrent Visual Representation for Image Caption Generation

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Xinlei Chen is a PhD student in the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is supervised by Abhinav Gupta. He holds an Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University, China. His research focuses on the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing and he is particularly [...]

RI Seminar
Kanna Rajan
Visiting Professor
FEUP, University of Porto

Advancing Autonomous Operations in the Field From Outer to Inner Space

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Kanna is a Visiting Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto affiliated with the Underwater Systems Technology Lab. Till recently he was the Principal Researcher in Autonomy at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute ( a privately funded non-profit Oceanographic institute which he joined in October 2005. Prior to that he [...]

RI Seminar
John Leonard

Mapping, Localization, and Self-Driving Vehicles

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: John J. Leonard is Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering and Associate Department Head for Research in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is also a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). His research addresses the problems of navigation and mapping for autonomous mobile robots. [...]

VASC Seminar
Jia Xu
PhD Candidate
University of Wisconsin

Visual Parsing with Weak Supervision

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Jia Xu is a PhD candidate of the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, working with Prof. Vikas Singh, Prof. Jerry Zhu, and Prof. Chuck Dyer. He was a visiting student at University of Toronto in Summer 2014 and at TTI-Chicago during Summer 2013, both working with Prof. Raquel [...]

RI Seminar
Gregory S. Chirikjian
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University

CANCELEDStochastic Models in Robotics

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Gregory S. Chirikjian received undergraduate degrees from Johns Hopkins University in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 1992. Since 1992, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, where he has been a full professor since 2001. [...]

VASC Seminar
Andrew Fitzgibbon
Principal Research
Microsoft Research

CANCELED 3D Vision in a Changing World

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Andrew Fitzgibbon is a principal researcher in the computer vision group at Microsoft Research Cambridge. He is best known for his work on 3D vision, having been a core contributor to the Emmy-award-winning 3D camera tracker "boujou" ( and Kinect for Xbox 360, but his interests are broad, spanning computer vision, [...]