RI Seminar
Gerhard Sagerer
Bielefeld University

The Social Robotics Paradigm: From Cognitive Science to Robots in the Real World

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Since 2007, Gerhard Sagerer has been director at the Research Institute for Robotics and Cognition (CoR-Lab), which forms a strategic partnership with the industrial partner Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH (HRI-EU). From 2007 to 2009 Gerhard Sagerer was also vice-coordinator of the Centre of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), a research [...]

VASC Seminar
Sergey Tulyakov
PhD Student
University of Trento, Italy

Head Pose Estimation and Facial Expression Recognition under a Wide Range of Head Poses

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Sergey Tulyakov is a PhD student advised by Prof. Nicu Sebe at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University of Trento, Italy. His research interest includes 2D and 3D computer vision with particular emphasis on real-time analysis of human faces. He received his MS and BS in computer science from [...]

RI Seminar
Joelle Pineau
Associate Professor of Computer Science
McGill University

Learning Socially Adaptive Navigation Strategies: Lessons from the SmartWheeler Project

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Joelle Pineau is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science at McGill University, co-director of the Reasoning and Learning Lab, and member of the Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM). Before joining McGill in 2004, she received a B.A.Sc. (1998) in Engineering from the University of Waterloo, and an MSc [...]

RI Seminar
Wolfram Burgard
University of Freiburg

Probabilistic Techniques for Mobile Robot Navigation

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: I am a professor for computer science at the University of Freiburg and head of the research lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems. My areas of interest lie in artificial intelligence and mobile robots. My research mainly focuses on the development of robust and adaptive techniques for state estimation and control. Over [...]

VASC Seminar
Wolfram Burgard
University of Freiburg

Probabilistic Techniques for Mobile Robot Navigation

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: I am a professor for computer science at the University of Freiburg and head of the research lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems. My areas of interest lie in artificial intelligence and mobile robots. My research mainly focuses on the development of robust and adaptive techniques for state estimation and control. Over [...]

RI Seminar
Wojciech Matusik
Associate Professor

Abstractions for Multi-Material 3D Printing

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Wojciech Matusik is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, where he leads the Computational Fabrication Group.Before coming to MIT, he worked at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Adobe Systems, and Disney Research Zurich. He studied computer graphics at MIT [...]

VASC Seminar
Michael Tarr
Professor and Department Head
Carnegie Mellon University


Event Location: NSH 1507

VASC Seminar
Christophe De Vleeschouwer
Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Computer vision for democratic and personalized access to sport video reports

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Christophe De Vleeschouwer is a Professor at ‘Université catholique de Louvain’ (UCL), and a Research Associate of the Belgian NSF. He received the M. Eng. and the Ph. D. degrees from UCL, in 1995 and 1999 respectively. As a young PhD, he was a senior research engineer with the IMEC Multimedia [...]

VASC Seminar
Joseph Lim
PhD Student

3D Object Understanding

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Joseph Lim is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is advised by Professor Antonio Torralba. His research interests are in computer vision and machine learning. He has been motivated by the goal of building computer systems that [...]

VASC Seminar
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
Postdoctoral Researcher
Stanford University

Decoupling Algorithms from the Organization of Computation for High-Performance Image Processing

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Jonathan Ragan-Kelley is a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford, where he works with Pat Hanrahan. He recently finished his PhD in computer science at MIT, where he worked with Frédo Durand and Saman Amarasinghe. His work focuses on high-efficiency computer graphics, at the intersection of graphics with systems, architecture, and compilers. He [...]