Milind Tambe
Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California

Multiagent systems: Putting theory into practice

Event Location: NSH 3305Bio: Milind Tambe is a Professor of Computer Science at University of Southern California(USC). He received his Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He leads the TEAMCORE Research Group at USC, with research interests in multi-agent systems. He is a fellow of AAAI and recipient of the [...]

RI Seminar
Alberto Elfes
Principal Member of Technical Staff

Autonomous Aerobots for Planetary Exploration

Event Location: 1305 NSHBio: Alberto Elfes has an E.Eng. degree in Electronics Engineering (1975) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (1980), both from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), Brazil, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1989) from Carnegie-Mellon University. He is the author of the Occupancy Grid and Inference Grid frameworks, [...]

VASC Seminar
Rosen Diankov
PhD Student
Robotics Institute

A Data-Driven Vision Compiler for Automatic Object Pose Recognition

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: My ultimate goal is to solve the robotics problem: combine vision, perception, planning, and control into one coherent framework to create intelligent and autonomous robots. Since I joined The Robotics Institute, I've been working on such an architecture titled OpenRAVE. My current research focuses on statistical planning using machine learning to [...]

RI Seminar
Simon Lucey
Assistant Research Professor
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Relaxation Methods in Vision: Convex or just plain vexing?

Event Location: Mauldin Auditorium (NSH 1305)Bio: Simon Lucey is an Assistant Research Professor in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, and has been a faculty member there since October 2005. Before that he was a Post-Doc in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Lucey’s research interests are in [...]