RI Seminar

Autonomous Intelligent Service Robots: Learning and Explanations in Human-Robot Interaction

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Manuela Veloso Herbert A Simon University Professor, Carnegie Mellon Abstract We research on autonomous mobile robots with a seamless integration of perception, cognition, and action. In this talk, I will first introduce our CoBot service robots and their novel localization and symbiotic autonomy, which enable them to consistently move in our buildings, now for more [...]

RI Seminar

Beyond Geometric Path Planning: Paradigms and algorithms for modern robotics

NSH 1305

Kris Hauser Associate Professor, Duke University Abstract The development of fast randomized algorithms for geometric path planning – computing collision-free paths for high dimensional systems – was a major achievement in the field of motion planning in the 2000's. But since then, recent advances in affordable robot sensors, actuators, and systems have changed the robotics [...]

RI Seminar

Pathway Toward Vision Restoration, Artificial Vision, Artificial Retina, Optogenetics

GHC 6115

José Alain Sahel, MD Professor & Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine Abstract Progress in ophthalmology over the past decade moved preclinical data to clinical proof-of-concept studies bringing innovative therapeutic strategies to the market. Diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) destroy photoreceptors but leave intact and [...]

RI Seminar

Towards Agile Flight of Vision-controlled Micro Flying Robots: from Active Vision to Event-based Vision

NSH 1305

Davide Scaramuzza Assistant Professor of Robotics, University of Zurich Abstract Autonomous quadrotors will soon play a major role in search-and-rescue and remote-inspection missions, where a fast response is crucial. Quadrotors have the potential to navigate quickly through unstructured environments, enter and exit buildings through narrow gaps, and fly through collapsed buildings. However, their speed and [...]

RI Seminar
Katsushi Ikeuchi
Principal Researcher
Microsoft Research Asia

e-Intangible Heritage

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Dr. Katsushi Ikeuchi is a Principal Researcher of Microsoft Research Asia, stationed at Microsoft Redmond campus. He received a Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1978. After working at Artificial Intelligence Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a pos-doc fellows for three years, Electrotechnical Lab [...]

RI Seminar

Katsushi Ikeuchi : e-Intangible Heritage

NSH 1305

Katsushi Ikeuchi Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia Abstract Tangible heritage, such as temples and statues, is disappearing day-by-day due to human and natural disaster. In e-tangible heritage, such as folk dances, local songs, and dialects, has the same story due to lack of inheritors and mixing cultures. We have been developing methods to preserve such [...]

RI Seminar

From Drones To Robots, The Road To Make Technologies More Accessible

NSH 1305

Shuo Yang Director of Intelligent Navigation Technologies, DJI Abstract Over the past decade, DJI has developed several world-leading drone products, turning cutting-edge technologies such as high resolution image transmission, visual odometry, and learning-based object tracking into affordable commercial products. Along with all these technological successes, DJI is exploring innovative ways to make them more accessible. [...]