RI Seminar
Raj Reddy Assistant Professor in Robotics
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning to Generalize beyond Training

Abstract: Generalization, i.e., the ability to adapt to novel scenarios, is the hallmark of human intelligence. While we have systems that excel at cleaning floors, playing complex games, and occasionally beating humans, they are incredibly specific in that they only perform the tasks they are trained for and are miserable at generalization. One of the [...]

RI Seminar
Mac Schwager
Assistant Professor
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University

Enabling Robots to Cooperate & Compete: Distributed Optimization & Game Theoretic Methods for Multiple Interacting Robots

Abstract: For robots to effectively operate in our world, they must master the skills of dynamic interaction.  Autonomous cars must safely negotiate their trajectories with other vehicles and pedestrians as they drive to their destinations.  UAVs must avoid collisions with other aircraft, as well as dynamic obstacles on the ground.  Disaster response robots must coordinate [...]

RI Seminar
Alberto Rodriguez
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering, MIT

The Role of Manipulation Primitives in Building Dexterous Robotic Systems

Abstract: I will start this talk by illustrating four different perspectives that we as a community have embraced to study robotic manipulation: 1) controlling a simplified model of the mechanics of interaction with an object; 2) using haptic feedback such as force or tactile to control the interaction with an environment; 3) planning sequences or [...]

RI Seminar
Assistant Professor
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Design and Analysis of Open-Source Educational Haptic Devices

Abstract: The sense of touch (haptics) is an active perceptual system used from our earliest days to discover the world around us. However, formal education is not designed to take advantage of this sensory modality. As a result, very little is known about the effects of using haptics in K-12 and higher education or the [...]

RI Seminar
Gustav Eje Henter
Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems with spec. in Machine Learning
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Move over, MSE! – New probabilistic models of motion

Abstract: Data-driven character animation holds great promise for games, film, virtual avatars and social robots. A "virtual AI actor" that moves in response to intuitive, high-level input could turn 3D animators into directors, instead of requiring them to laboriously pose the character for each frame of animation, as is the case today. However, the high [...]

RI Seminar
Heni Ben Amor
Assistant Professor
Interactive Robotics Laboratory, Arizona State University

Human-Robot Interactive Collaboration & Communication

Abstract: Autonomous and anthropomorphic robots are poised to play a critical role in manufacturing, healthcare and the services industry in the near future. However, for this vision to become a reality, robots need to efficiently communicate and interact with their human partners. Rather than traditional remote controls and programming languages, adaptive and transparent techniques for [...]

RI Seminar
Principal Systems Scientist / Director, NREC
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Robots “R” Us: 25 years of Robotics Technology Development and Commercialization at NREC

Abstract: Since its founding in 1979, the Robotics Institute (RI) at Carnegie Mellon University has been leading the world in robotics research and education. In the mid 1990s, RI created NREC as the applied R&D center within the Institute with a specific mission to apply robotics technology in an impactful way on real-world applications. In this talk, I will go over [...]

RI Seminar
Rohan Paul
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Towards an Intelligence Architecture for Human-Robot Teaming

Abstract: Advances in autonomy are enabling intelligent robotic systems to enter human-centric environments like factories, homes and workplaces. To be effective as a teammate, we expect robots to accomplish more than performing simplistic repetitive tasks; they must perceive, reason, perform semantic tasks in a human-like way. A robot's ability to act intelligently is fundamentally tied [...]

RI Seminar
Assistant Professor
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

GANs for Everyone

Abstract:  The power and promise of deep generative models such as StyleGAN, CycleGAN, and GauGAN lie in their ability to synthesize endless realistic, diverse, and novel content with user controls. Unfortunately, the creation and deployment of these large-scale models demand high-performance computing platforms, large-scale annotated datasets, and sophisticated knowledge of deep learning methods. This makes [...]

RI Seminar
Avik De
Co-founder & CTO
Ghost Robotics

Design and control of insect-scale bees and dog-scale quadrupeds

Abstract: Enhanced robot autonomy---whether it be in the context of extended tether-free flight of a 100mg insect-scale flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle (FWMAV), or long inspection routes for a quadrupedal robot---is hindered by fundamental constraints in power and computation. With this motivation, I will discuss a few projects I have worked on to circumvent these issues in [...]