VASC Seminar
Nataniel Ruiz
Research Scientist

Unlocking Magic: Personalization of Diffusion Models for Novel Applications

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Since the recent advent of text-to-image diffusion models for high-quality realistic image generation, a plethora of creative applications have suddenly become within reach. I will present my work at Google where I have attempted to unlock magical applications by proposing simple techniques that act on these large text-to-image diffusion models. Particularly, a large class of [...]

VASC Seminar
Yingsi Qin
PhD Candidate
Carnegie Mellon University

Instant Visual 3D Worlds Through Split-Lohmann Displays

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Split-Lohmann displays provide a novel approach to creating instant visual 3D worlds that support realistic eye accommodation. Unlike commercially available VR headsets that show content at a fixed depth, the proposed display can optically place each pixel region to a different depth, instantly creating eye-tracking-free 3D worlds without using time-multiplexing. This enables real-time streaming [...]