VASC Seminar
Yezhou Yang
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Maryland, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

Human Manipulation Action Understanding for Cognitive Robots

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Dr. Yezhou Yang is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Computer Vision Lab and the Automation, Robotics and Cognition (ARC) Lab, with the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, working with his PhD advisors: Prof. Yiannis Aloimonos and Dr. Cornelia Fermuller. His main interests lie in Cognitive [...]

VASC Seminar
Ed Johns
Dyson Fellow
Imperial College London

Deep Learning for Robot Manipulation via Simulation

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Ed Johns is a Dyson Fellow at Imperial College London, working on computer vision, robotics and machine learning. He received a BA and MEng from Cambridge University, followed by a PhD in visual recognition and localisation from Imperial College London. After post-doctoral work at University College London, he then [...]

VASC Seminar
Xavier Alameda
Postdoctoral, Multimodal Human Understanding Group
University of Trento

Matrix Completion: A vision-oriented perspective

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Xavier Alameda-Pineda received the M.Sc. degree in mathematics and telecommunications engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech in 2008 and 2009 respectively, the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Université Joseph Fourier and Grenoble INP in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics/computer science from the [...]

VASC Seminar
Karteek Alahari
Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes Center

What can we do with motion cues?

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Karteek Alahari is an Inria permanent researcher (chargé de recherche) since October 2015. He has been at Inria since 2010, initially as a postdoctoral fellow in the WILLOW team in Paris, and then on a starting research position in Grenoble since September 2013. Dr. Alahari's PhD from Oxford Brookes [...]

VASC Seminar
Hyun Soo Park
Assistant Professor, the University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota

Understanding Social and Physical Interactions from First Person Cameras

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Hyun Soo Park is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of Minnesota. He is interested in understanding human visual sensorimotor behaviors from first person cameras. Prior to the UMN, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Jianbo Shi at University of Pennsylvania. [...]

VASC Seminar
Tovi Grossman
Distinguished Research Scientist

Instrumented and Connected: Designing Next-Generation Learning Experiences

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Tovi Grossman is a Distinguished Research Scientist at Autodesk Research, located in downtown Toronto. Dr. Grossman’s research is in HCI, focusing on input and interaction with new technologies. In particular, he has been exploring how emerging technologies, such as wearables, the Internet of Things, and gamification can be leveraged [...]

VASC Seminar
Nobuyuki Umetani
Research Scientist
Autodesk Research

Simulation-guided Interactive Exploration of Functional Design

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Nobuyuki Umetani is a research scientist at Autodesk Research. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher in Autodesk Research and Disney Research Zurich. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2012 from The University of Tokyo under supervision of Takeo Igarashi. He also spent one year in Columbia University and in [...]

VASC Seminar
Min Xu
Assistant Research Professor
Carnegie Mellon University

Molecular resolution structural pattern mining inside single cells

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: Dr. Min Xu is an Assistant Research Professor of Computational Biology at the Computational Biology Department in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He received degrees in Computational Biology, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics. He has more than 16 years of research experience in various Computational [...]