VASC Seminar
Jose Miguel Buenaposada
Associate Professor
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

Multi-class Boosting in Computer Vision

GHC 6501

Abstract: Boosting classifiers have been extensively used for learning multi-view single objects detectors (e.g. faces, cars or pedestrians) or in multiple object categories detectors. Object detection has been evolving from being specific for a given object category to multi-view or even being able to detect multiple categories at the same time. The usual framework for [...]

VASC Seminar
Yoshinori Dobashi
Associate Professor
Hokkaido University, Japan

Fun with Fluids

GHC 6501

  Abstract: Visual simulation of fluids has become an indispensable tool for computer graphics. Many fluid phenomena can be simulated by solving Navier-Stokes equations. In computer graphics, the NS equations are mostly used for simulating smoke, water and fire. However, it is useful for other different purposes. In this talk, we show our usage of [...]

VASC Seminar
Assistant Research Professor
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Challenges Facing Computational Face

GHC 6501

Abstract: Recent advances in computational face research make possible a growing range of scientific, behavioral, and commercial applications. Many companies are focusing on the future of computational face products and services, but number of critical research questions remain to be solved. These include 3D face alignment from 2D image, face analysis under extreme pose variation [...]

VASC Seminar
Ben Burchfiel
PhD Candidate

Bayesian Eigenobjects: A Unified Framework for 3D Robot Perception

GHC 6501

  Abstract: Robot-object interaction requires several key perceptual building blocks including object pose estimation, object classification, and partial-object completion. These tasks form the perceptual foundation for many higher level operations including object manipulation and world-state estimation. Most existing approaches to these problems in the context of 3D robot perception assume an existing database of objects [...]

VASC Seminar
Laurens van der Maaten
Research Scientist
Facebook AI Research

Two Tales about Image Classification

GHC 6501

Abstract: This talk tells two tales about image-classification systems, both of which are motivated by the real-world deployment of such systems. The first tale introduces a new convolutional neural network architecture, called multi-scale DenseNets, with the ability to adapt dynamically to computational resource limits at inference time. The network uses progressively growing multi-scale convolutions, dense [...]

VASC Seminar
Hongdong Li
Reader/Associate Professor
Australian National University

Dense 3D Shape Reconstruction of Complex Dynamic Scene with a Single Monocular Camera 

GHC 6501

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe our recent work (presented at ICCV 2017) on monocular camera based 3D geometry reconstruction of a non-rigid dynamic scene.   We aim to answer an open question in multi-view geometry, namely, "Is it possible to recover the 3D structure of a complex dynamic environment from two image frames captured by [...]