VASC Seminar
Hanbyul Joo
PhD Student RI
Robotics Institute

Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: I am a Ph.D. student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Yaser Sheikh. During summer 2015, I interned at Disney Research Zurich where I worked with Thabo Beeler and Derek Bradley. Before joining CMU, I spent three years as a researcher at ETRI, a government-funded [...]

VASC Seminar
Robert F. Murphy, Ph.D.
Lane Professor Of Computational Biology & Professor of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon

Building models of cell organization, differentiation and perturbation directly from microscope images

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Dr. Robert F. Murphy is the Ray and Stephanie Lane Professor of Computational Biology and Head of the Computational Biology Department in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also Professor of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon, Honorary Professor of Biology at [...]

VASC Seminar
Michael Ryoo
Assistant Professor
Indiana University Bloomington

Human Activity Recognition from a Robot’s Viewpoint

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Michael S. Ryoo is an Assistant Professor of the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. His research interest is within the areas of Computer Vision and Human-Robot Interaction, with a particular emphasis on human activity recognition, first-person vision, and wearable/ubiquitous cameras. Before joining IU, Dr. Ryoo was a staff [...]

VASC Seminar
Olga Russakovsky
Postdoctoral Fellow, RI
Carnegie Mellon

The human side of computer vision

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Olga Russakovsky ( is a postdoctoral research fellow at Carnegie Mellon University. She recently completed a PhD in computer science at Stanford advised by Prof. Fei-Fei Li. Her research is in computer vision, closely integrated with machine learning and human-computer interaction. She led the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge effort [...]

VASC Seminar
Robert Pless
Washington University

Brighter, Faster, Cheaper: Finding or Creating Light Fields for Visual Computing

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Robert Pless is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, where he founded and directs the Media and Machines Lab. His research focus are big-data and geometric approaches to Visual Computing, with applications to social justice and environmental measurement. Dr. Pless has a Bachelors Degree [...]

VASC Seminar
Genevieve Patterson
Computer Vision PhD Student
Brown University

Collective Insight: Crowd-driven Image Understanding

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Genevieve is a PhD Candidate in Computer Vision at Brown University. Her work on crowd-driven visual classification was recently awarded runner-up for Best Paper at the AAAI Conference on Human Computation (HCOMP). She built and maintains the SUN Attribute dataset, a widely used resource for scene understanding. Genevieve received her master's [...]

VASC Seminar
David Fouhey
Ph.D. Student at the Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards A Physical and Human-Centric Understanding of Images

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Bio: David Fouhey is a Ph.D. student at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, where he is advised by Abhinav Gupta and Martial Hebert. His research interests include computer vision and machine learning with a particular focus on scene understanding. David's work has been supported by both NSF and [...]