Student Talks
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PhD Thesis Defense
Mohit Sharma
Continual Learning of Compositional Skills for Robust Robot Manipulation
Abstract: Real world robots need to continuously learn new manipulation tasks in a lifelong learning manner. These new tasks often share many sub-structures e.g. sub-tasks, controllers, preconditions, with previously learned tasks. To utilize these shared sub-structures, we explore a compositional and object-centric approach to learn manipulation tasks. The first part of this thesis focuses on [...]
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PhD Thesis Defense
Shikhar Bahl
Watch, Practice, Improve: Towards In-the-wild Manipulation
Abstract: The longstanding dream of many roboticists is to see robots perform diverse tasks in diverse environments. To build such a robot that can operate anywhere, many methods train on robotic interaction data. While these approaches have led to significant advances, they rely on heavily engineered setups or high amounts of supervision, neither of which [...]