Student Talks
MSR Thesis Talk – Zixuan Huang
NSH 4305Title: Seeing the Unseen: Closed-loop Occlusion Reasoning for Cloth Manipulation Robotic manipulation of cloth remains challenging due to the complex dynamics of cloth, lack of a low-dimensional state representation, and self-occlusions. Particularly, self-occlusion makes it difficult to estimate the full state of the cloth, which poses significant challenges to policy learning and dynamics modeling. Ideally, [...]
MSR Thesis Talk – Zhaoyuan Fang
NSH 4305Title: Features in Extra Dimensions: Spatial and Temporal Scene Representations Abstract: Computer vision models have made great progress in featurizing pixels of images. However, an image is only a projection of the actual 3D scene: occlusions and perspective distortions exist. To arrive at a better representation of the scene itself, extra dimensions are needed to [...]