Student Talks
MSR Thesis Talk – Zongyue Zhao
NSH 4305Title: Coordinating Heterogeneous Teams for Urban Search and Rescue Abstract: The mission of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) has drawn significant interest in robotics. Autonomous entities must be able to share knowledge efficiently to address visibility and collaboration challenges in a complex environment shortly after structural collapse catastrophes. In this thesis, we present methods to coordinate [...]
MSR Thesis Talk – Jeff Hu
NSH 3002Title: Composition Learning in “Modular” Robot Systems Abstract: Modular robot and multi-robot systems share a concept in common: composition, i.e. the study of how parts can be combined so they can be used to achieve certain objectives. Our vision is to enable robotic systems to configure and reconfigure themselves during field deployment, either autonomously or [...]
MSR Thesis Talk – Tom Bu
NSH 4305Title: Towards HD Map Updates With Crosswalk Change Detection From Vehicle-mounted Cameras Zoom: Abstract: Many autonomous vehicles rely on high-definition maps that contain road layout and road semantics as priors for perception, planning and prediction. However, these maps can become stale over time as the road environment changes. This thesis develops a road monitoring framework [...]