Student Talks
MSR Thesis Talk: Chonghyuk Song
GHC 6501Title: Total-Recon: Deformable Scene Reconstruction for Embodied View Synthesis Abstract: We explore the task of embodied view synthesis from monocular videos of deformable scenes. Given a minute-long RGBD video of people interacting with their pets, we render the scene from novel camera trajectories derived from in-scene motion of actors: (1) egocentric cameras that simulate the point [...]
Design Iteration of Dexterous Compliant Robotic Manipulators
GHC 4405Abstract: One goal of personal robotics is to have robots in homes performing everyday tasks efficiently to improve our quality of life. Towards this end, manipulators are needed which are low cost, safe around humans, and approach human-level dexterity. However, existing off-the-shelf manipulators are expensive both in cost and manufacturing time, difficult to repair, and [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Shivam Duggal
NSH 1109Title: Learning Single Image 3D Reconstruction from Single-View Image Collections Abstract We present a framework for learning 3D object shapes and dense cross-object 3D correspondences from just an unaligned category-specific image collection. The 3D shapes are generated implicitly as deformations to a category-specific signed distance field and are learned in an unsupervised manner solely from unaligned [...]