Student Talks
MSR Thesis Talk: David Russell
NSH 3305Title: Using Drones and Remote Sensing to Understand Forests with Limited Labeled Data Abstract: Drones and remote sensing can provide observations of forests at scale, but this raw data needs to be interpreted to further scientific understanding and inform effective management decisions. This thesis studies two problems under the realistic constraint of limited domain-specific training [...]
MSR Thesis TallK: Aarrushi Shandilya
NSH 4305Title: Lights, Camera, Render: Neural Fields for Structured Lighting Abstract: 3D scene reconstruction from 2D image supervision alone is an under-constrained problem. Recent neural rendering frameworks have made great strides in learning 3D scene representations to enable novel view synthesis, but they struggle to reconstruct geometry of low-texture regions or from sparse views. The prevalence of active [...]
Building 4D Models of Objects and Scenes from Monocular Videos
NSH 4305Abstract: We explore how to infer the time-varying 3D structures of generic, deformable objects, and dynamic scenes from monocular videos. A solution to this problem is essential for virtual reality and robotics applications. However, inferring 4D structures given 2D observations is challenging due to its under-constrained nature. In a casual setup where there is neither [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Anirudha Ramesh
NSH 4305Title: Learning to See in the Dark and Beyond Abstract: Robotic Perception in diverse domains such as low-light scenarios remains a challenge, even upon the employment of new sensing modalities like thermal imaging and specialized night-vision sensors. This is largely due to the high difficulty in obtaining labeled data for certain tasks. In this work, [...]