Vision-based Proprioceptive and Tactile Sensing for Soft Robots

Abstract: Soft robotic manipulators present many unique advantages in difficult manipulation tasks. The inherent compliance of soft robots' constituent deformable material makes them safe and reliable in delicate tasks such as harvesting fruit and assisting in household work. To address challenges in proprioceptive and tactile sensing for soft robots, we present a family of vision-based [...]

MSR Thesis Talk: Lucas Casanova De Oliveira Nogueira

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Title: SuperLoop: a LIDAR-based SLAM Back-end for Underground Exploration Abstract: Robots deployed in underground scenarios require a SLAM system that can handle a variety of challenges, such as the absence of GPS, large scale maps, bad illumination, and geometrically degenerate environments. It is nearly impossible for any SLAM solution to handle all these challenges perfectly, specially [...]

Learning via Visual-Tactile Interaction

NSH 1305

Abstract: Humans learn by interacting with their surroundings using all of their senses. The first of these senses to develop is touch, and it is the first way that young humans explore their environment, learn about objects, and tune their cost functions (via pain or treats). Yet, robots are often denied this highly informative and [...]

MSR Thesis Talk: Neil Khera


Title: PyCubed-Mini: A Low-Cost, Open-Source Satellite Research Platform   Abstract: Satellite development has become more accessible with decreasing launch costs and shrinking hardware. However, the expenses associated with pre-built satellite kits remain high, making it difficult for student and hobbyist teams to participate. The lack of standardized satellite hardware and software further adds to the challenge, [...]