PhD Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Exploration for Continually Improving Robots

NSH 4305

Abstract: Data-driven learning is a powerful paradigm for enabling robots to learn skills. Current prominent approaches involve collecting large datasets of robot behavior via teleoperation or simulation, to then train policies. For these policies to generalize to diverse tasks and scenes, there is a large burden placed on constructing a rich initial dataset, which is [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Domesticating Soft Robotics Research and Development with Accessible Biomaterials

Abstract:   Current trends in robotics design and engineering are typically focused on high value applications where high performance, precision, and robustness take precedence over cost, accessibility, and environmental impact.  In this paradigm, the capability landscape of robotics is largely shaped by access to capital and the promise of economic return. This thesis explores an alternative [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Understanding and acting in the 4D world

NSH 4305

Abstract: As humans, we are constantly interacting with and observing a three-dimensional dynamic world; where objects around us change state as they move or are moved, and we, ourselves, move for navigation and exploration. Such an interaction between a dynamic environment and a dynamic ego-agent is complex to model as an ego-agent's perception of the [...]