MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Chufan Gao

NSH A507

Title: Addressing Time-series Signal Quality in Healthcare Data Abstract: Healthcare data time-series signal quality assessment (SQA) plays a vital role in the accuracy and reliability of machine learning algorithms to analyze health metrics. However, these signals are often corrupted with different kinds of noises and artifacts, including Baseline Wander, Muscle Artifacts, Powerline Interference, and Equipment Failure. This [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Tushar Kusnur

NSH 4305

Title: Search-based Planning for Sensor-based Coverage Abstract: Robots are excellent candidates for the dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs we do not want humans to perform. Today, these include inspection of large areas or structures, post-disaster assessment, and surveillance. Assessing the aftermath of the recent Fern Hollow bridge collapse in Pittsburgh is one such example. Many [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Nikhil Angad Bakshi

NSH 4305

Title: See But Don't Be Seen: Towards Stealthy Active Search in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems Abstract: Robotic solutions for quick disaster response are essential to ensure minimal loss of life, especially when the search area is too dangerous or too vast for human rescuers. We model this problem as an asynchronous multi-agent active-search task where each robot aims [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Yves Georgy Daoud

NSH 4305

Title: Spatial Tasking in Human-Robot Collaborative Exploration Abstract: This work develops a methodology for collaborative human-robot exploration that leverages implicit coordination. Most autonomous single- and multi-robot exploration systems require a remote operator to provide explicit guidance to the robot team. Few works consider how to integrate the human partner alongside robots to provide guidance in the [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Ambareesh Revanur

Gates Hillman Center 4405

Title: Towards Video-based Physiology Estimation Abstract: RGB-video based human physiology estimation has a wide range of practical applications in telehealth, sports and deep fake detection. Therefore, researchers in the community have collected several video datasets and have advanced new methods over the years. In this dissertation, we study these methods extensively and aim to address the [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Raghavv Goel

Wean Hall 2302

Title: Automating Ultrasound Based Vascular Access Abstract: Timely care of trauma patients is important to prevent casualties in resource-limited regions such as the battlefield. In order to treat such trauma using point of care diagnosis, medical practitioners typically use an ultrasound for vascular access or detection of subcutaneous splinters for providing critical care. The problem here is two-fold: [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Mayank Singh

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Title: Analogical Networks: Memory-Modulated In-Context 3D Parsing Abstract: Recent advances in the applications of deep neural networks to numerous visual perception tasks have shown excellent performance. However, this generally requires access to large amount of training samples and hence one persistent challenge is the setting of few-shot learning. In most existing works, a separate parametric neural [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Yutian Lei

Title: ARC: AdveRsarial Calibration between Modalities Abstract: Advances in computer vision and machine learning techniques have led to flourishing success in RGB-input perception tasks, which has also opened unbounded possibilities for non-RGB-input perception tasks, such as object detection from wireless signals, point clouds, and infrared light. However, compared to the matured development pipeline of RGB-input [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Samuel Ong

Title: Data-Driven Slip Model for Improved Localization and Path Following applied to Lunar Micro-Rovers Abstract Micro-lunar rovers need to solve a slew of challenges on the Moon, with no human intervention. One such challenge is the need to know their location in order to navigate and build maps. However, localization is challenging on the moon due [...]