MSR Thesis Talk: Chonghyuk Song

GHC 6501

Title: Total-Recon: Deformable Scene Reconstruction for Embodied View Synthesis Abstract: We explore the task of embodied view synthesis from monocular videos of deformable scenes. Given a minute-long RGBD video of people interacting with their pets, we render the scene from novel camera trajectories derived from in-scene motion of actors: (1) egocentric cameras that simulate the point [...]

MSR Thesis Talk: Shivam Duggal

NSH 1109

Title: Learning Single Image 3D Reconstruction from Single-View Image Collections Abstract We present a framework for learning 3D object shapes and dense cross-object 3D correspondences from just an unaligned category-specific image collection. The 3D shapes are generated implicitly as deformations to a category-specific signed distance field and are learned in an unsupervised manner solely from unaligned [...]