Towards Equitable Representation in Text-to-Image Generation

Gates Hillman Center 4405

Abstract: Accurate representation in media is known to improve the well-being of the people who consume it. There is a growing concern about the increasing use of generative AI in media as the generative image models trained on large web-crawled datasets such as LAION are known to produce images with harmful stereotypes and misrepresentations of various groups, [...]

3D Inference from Unposed Sparse View Images

Gates Hillman Center 4405

Abstract: We propose UpFusion, a system that can perform novel view synthesis and infer 3D representations for generic objects given a sparse set of reference images without corresponding pose information. Current sparse-view 3D inference methods typically rely on camera poses to geometrically aggregate information from input views, but are not robust in-the-wild when such information [...]

Tightly Coupled LIDAR-Inertial Odometry

Gates Hillman Center 4405

Abstract: In the age of self-driving, LIDAR and IMU represent two of the most ubiqui- tous sensors in use. Kalman Filtering and loosely coupled approaches dominate industry techniques, while current research trends towards a more tightly coupled formulation involving a joint optimization of IMU and LIDAR measurements. After two years of experience working with and [...]