MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Failure Is an Option: How the Severity of Robot Errors Affects Human-Robot Interactions

GHC 4405

Abstract: Just as humans are imperfect, even the best of robots will eventually fail at performing a task. The likelihood of failure increases as robots expand their roles in our lives. Although task failure is a common problem in robotics and human-robot interaction (HRI), there has been little research investigating human tolerance to said failures, [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Avi Rudich

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Title: Kinematic Analysis of 3D Printed Flexible Delta Robots   Abstract: Flexible Delta robots show significant promise for use in a wide array of manipulation tasks.  They are simple to design and manufacture, and they maintain a high level of repeatability and precision in open loop control.  This thesis analyzes the kinematic properties of flexible [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Parameter-Efficient Quadrotor Dynamics Models

NSH 4305

Abstract: Operation of quadrotors through high-speed, high-acceleration maneuvers remains a challenging problem due to the complex aerodynamics in this regime. While standard physical models suffice for control in near-hover conditions, the primary challenge in executing aggressive trajectories is obtaining a model for the quadrotor dynamics that adequately models the aerodynamic effects present, including lift, drag, [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Human-in-the-loop Model Creation

GHC 7101

Abstract: Deep generative models make visual content creation more accessible to novice users by automating the synthesis of diverse, realistic content based on a collected dataset. However, the current machine learning approaches miss several elements of the creative process -- the ability to synthesize things that go far beyond the data distribution and everyday experience, [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Models and Cost Functions from Unlabeled Data for Off-Road Driving

GHC 8102

Abstract: Off-road driving is an important instance of navigation in unstructured environments, which is a key robotics problem with many applications, such as exploration, agriculture, disaster response and defense. The key challenge in off-road driving is to be able to take in high dimensional, multi-modal sensing data and use it to make intelligent decisions on [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Chonghyuk Song

GHC 6501

Title: Total-Recon: Deformable Scene Reconstruction for Embodied View Synthesis Abstract: We explore the task of embodied view synthesis from monocular videos of deformable scenes. Given a minute-long RGBD video of people interacting with their pets, we render the scene from novel camera trajectories derived from in-scene motion of actors: (1) egocentric cameras that simulate the point [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Shivam Duggal

NSH 1109

Title: Learning Single Image 3D Reconstruction from Single-View Image Collections Abstract We present a framework for learning 3D object shapes and dense cross-object 3D correspondences from just an unaligned category-specific image collection. The 3D shapes are generated implicitly as deformations to a category-specific signed distance field and are learned in an unsupervised manner solely from unaligned [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Himangi Mittal

GHC 6115

Title: Audio-Visual State-Aware Representation Learning from Interaction-Rich Data Abstract In robotics and augmented reality, the input to the agent is a long stream of video from the first-person or egocentric point of view. Recently, there have been significant efforts to capture humans from their first-person/egocentric view interacting with their own environment as they go about [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Ken Liu

NSH 3305

Title: On Privacy and Personalization in Federated Learning: Analyses and Applications Abstract: Recent advances in machine learning often rely on large and centralized datasets. However, curating such data can be challenging when they hold private information, and policies/regulations may mandate that they remain distributed across data silos (e.g. mobile devices or hospitals). Federated learning (FL) [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student / Teaching Assistant
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Haolun Zhang

NSH 3305

Title: Seeing in 3D: Towards Generalizable 3D Visual Representations for Robotic Manipulation Abstract: Despite the recent progress in computer vision and deep learning, robot perception remains a tremendous challenge due to the variations of the objects and the scenes in manipulation tasks. Ideally, a robot trying to manipulate a new object should be able to [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Muyang Li

NSH 4305

Title: Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models Abstract: During image editing, existing deep generative models tend to re-synthesize the entire output from scratch, including the unedited regions. This leads to a significant waste of computation, especially for minor editing operations. In this work, we present Spatially Sparse Inference (SSI), a general-purpose technique [...]