PhD Thesis Proposal
Myung Hwangbo
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Monocular Vision-based Navigation for a Miniature Fixed-Wing Aircraft

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1109Abstract: Recently the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has expanded from military to civilian applications. Contrary to remote-controlled tasks in a high altitude, low-altitude flight in an urban environment requires a higher level of autonomy to respond to complex and unpredictable situations. Vision-based methods for autonomous navigation have been [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Mohit Gupta
Carnegie Mellon University

Modeling and Controlling Light Transport for Scene Recovery and Rendering

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1305Abstract: Global illumination effects, such as inter-reflections, sub-surface scattering and volumetric scattering form an integral part of our daily visual experience. In fact, it is almost impossible to find a real world scene without any global illumination. Unfortunately, however, due to its complex nature, it is hard to build tractable [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Samuel T. Clanton
Carnegie Mellon University

Cortical Prosthetic Control of an Artificial Arm, Wrist, and Hand

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 3305Abstract: In a recent demonstration, a monkey was able to feed itself with a robot arm it controlled through a cortical brain-computer interface (BCI) [1]. This work extended past brain control based on 3-D target acquisition alone to add the control of grip aperture. We now extend this further to [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Dmitry Berenson
Carnegie Mellon University

Constrained Manipulation Planning

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1507Abstract: Every planning problem in robotics involves constraints. Whether the robot must avoid collision or joint limits, there are always states that are not permissible. Some constraints are straightforward to satisfy while others can be so stringent that the allowed states are very difficult to identify. What makes constrained planning [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Stephen B. Stancliff
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning to Fail: Incorporating Reliability into Design and Mission Planning for Mobile Robots

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 1305Abstract: Current mobile robots generally fall into one of two categories as far as reliability is concerned -- highly unreliable, or very expensive. Most fall into the first category, requiring teams of graduate students or staff engineers to coddle them in the days and hours before a brief demonstration. The [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Matthew McNaughton
Carnegie Mellon University

Parallel Algorithms for Real-time Motion Planning

Event Location: Hillman Center 6501Abstract: Real-time motion planning in complex dynamic environments requires new algorithms that exploit parallel computation. Robots that can move autonomously in complex and dynamic environments are desired for many purposes, such as efficient autonomous passenger vehicles, robots for industrial, agricultural, and military applications, etc. As an example, automating passenger vehicles would [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Sajid M. Siddiqi
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Latent Variable and Predictive Models of Dynamical Systems

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 3305Abstract: A variety of learning problems in robotics, computer vision and other areas of artificial intelligence can be construed as problems of learning statistical models for dynamical systems from sequential observations. Good dynamical system models allow us to represent and predict observations in these systems, which in turn enables applications [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Rosen Diankov
Carnegie Mellon University

Robotics Framework for Automated Construction of Autonomous Manipulation Programs

Event Location: Newell Simon Hall 3305Abstract: Society is becoming more automated with robots beginning to perform most tasks in factories and starting to help out in home and office environments. Arguably, one of the most important functions of robots is the ability to manipulate their environment to accomplish basic tasks. However, the space of possible [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
David L. Duke
Carnegie Mellon University

Intelligent Diabetes Assistant: A Telemedicine System for Modeling and Managing Blood Glucose

Event Location: GHC 7101Abstract: The creation of a diabetes management assistant that can remotely collect data, increase communication between patient and care provider, and automatically analyze all available information could improve the health of many diabetics. Individual models, taking into account nutrition, medication, and exercise, with appropriate mathematical modeling, can learn accurate representations of specific [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Mark Palatucci
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Methods for Thought Recognition

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: This thesis proposal considers the problem of training machine learning classifiers in domains where data are very high dimensional and training examples are extremely limited or impossible to collect for all classes of interest. As a case study, we focus on the application of thought recognition, where the objective is to [...]