PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Direct-drive Hands: Making Robot Hands Transparent and Reactive to Contacts

Abstract: Industrial manipulators and end-effectors are a vital driver of the automation revolution. These robot hands, designed to reject disturbances with stiffness and strength, are inferior to their human counterparts. Human hands are dexterous and nimble effectors capable of a variety of interactions with the environment. Through this thesis we wish to answer a question: [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Teleoperation via Intuition: Safe and Intent Oriented Navigation

Abstract: This thesis aims to enable seamless teleoperation of a mobile robot by a human operator, such that the robot navigates in unstructured environments following the operator’s intent intuitively, safely, and efficiently. The roles of the human and robot are disproportionate in traditional teleoperation: The human is responsible for most of the autonomy of the [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards the Automated Design of Neural Networks

Abstract: Neural architecture search (NAS) is recently proposed to automate the process of designing network architectures. Instead of manually designing network architectures, NAS automatically finds the optimal architecture in a data-driven way. Despite its impressive progress, NAS is still far from being widely adopted as a common paradigm for architecture design in practice. This thesis [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Analysis of Deadlock in Multirobot Systems

Abstract: Collision avoidance for multirobot systems is a well-studied problem. Recently, control barrier functions (CBFs) have been proposed for synthesizing controllers that guarantee safety while simultaneously encouraging goal stabilization for multiple robots. However, it has been noted that reactive control synthesis methods (such as CBFs) are prone to deadlock, an equilibrium of system dynamics that [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Interleaving Graph Search and Trajectory Optimization for Aggressive Quadrotor Flight

Abstract: Quadrotors can achieve aggressive flight by tracking complex maneuvers and rapidly changing directions. Planning for aggressive flight with trajectory optimization could be incredibly fast, even in higher dimensions, and can account for dynamics of the quadrotor, however, only provides a locally optimal solution. On the other hand, planning with discrete graph search can handle [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

See, Hear, Explore: Curiosity via Audio-Visual Association

Abstract: Exploration is one of the core challenges in reinforcement learning. A common formulation of curiosity-driven exploration uses the difference between the real future and the future predicted by a learned model. However, predicting the future is an inherently difficult task which can be ill-posed in the face of stochasticity. In this work, we introduce [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Dynamical Model Learning and Inversion for Aggressive Quadrotor Flight

Quadrotor applications have seen a surge recently and many tasks require precise and accurate controls. Flying fast is critical in many applications and the limited onboard power source makes completing tasks quickly even more important. Staying on a desired course while traveling at high speeds and high accelerations is difficult due to complex and stochastic [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video

Abstract: We present a method to capture temporally coherent dynamic clothing deformation from a monocular RGB video input. In contrast to the existing literature, our method does not require a pre-scanned personalized mesh template, and thus can be applied to in-the-wild videos. To constrain the output to a valid deformation space, we build statistical deformation [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Manipulation with Active Compliance

Abstract: Human manipulation skills are filled with creative use of physical contacts to move the object about the hand and in the environment. However, it is difficult for robot manipulators to enjoy this dexterity since contacts may cause the manipulation task to fail by introducing huge forces or unexpected change of constraints, especially when modeling [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Open-world Object Detection and Tracking

Abstract: Computer vision today excels at recognizing narrow slices of the real world: our models seem to accurately detect objects like cats, cars, or chairs in benchmark datasets. However, deploying models requires that they work in the open world, which includes arbitrary objects in diverse settings. Current methods struggle on both axes: they recognize only [...]