PhD Speaking Qualifier
Postdoctoral Fellow
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Interferometric light transmission probing with coded mutual intensity

Zoom Link Abstract: We introduce a new interferometric imaging methodology that we term interferometry with coded mutual intensity, which allows selectively imaging photon paths based on attributes such as their length and endpoints. At the core of our methodology is a new technical result that shows that manipulating the spatial coherence properties of the light [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Josh Jaekel – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom Link: Title: Towards Robust Multi-Camera Visual Inertial Odometry Abstract: Visual inertial odometry (VIO) has become an increasingly popular method of obtaining a state estimate on board smaller robots like micro aerial vehicles (MAVs). While VIO has demonstrated impressive results in certain environments, there is still work to be done in improving the robustness of [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

John Mai – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom Link: Title: System Design, Modelling, and Control for an Off-Road Autonomous Ground Vehicle Abstract: Autonomy in passenger road vehicles has long been a goal for many research groups and companies, and there has been a significant amount of focus on achieving this endeavour. A lesser focused upon area is the task of precise autonomous [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Zoom Link:   Title: Robust Instance Tracking via Uncertainty Flow   Abstract: Current state-of-the-art trackers often fail due to distractors and large object appearance changes. In this work, we explore the use of dense optical flow to improve tracking robustness. Our main insight is that, because flow estimation can also have errors, we need [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Sarthak Ahuja – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Zoom Link: Title: Visual Assessment for Non-Disruptive Object Extraction Abstract: Robots operating in human environments need to perform a variety of dexterous manipulation tasks on object arrangements that have complex physical support relationships, e.g. procuring utensils from a large pile of dishes, grabbing a bottle from a stuffed fridge, or fetching a book from a loaded [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Dexheimer – MSR Thesis Talk

Location: Title: Efficient Multiresolution Scrolling Grid for MAV Obstacle Avoidance Abstract: In this talk, we propose the use of an efficient, structured multiresolution representation for robot mapping and planning.  We focus on expanding the sensor range of dense local grids for memory-constrained platforms.  While multiresolution data structures have been proposed previously, we avoid processing [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Tanmay Agarwal – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom link: Title: On-Policy Reinforcement Learning for Learning to Drive in Urban Settings Abstract: Traditional autonomous vehicle pipelines that follow a modular approach have been very successful in the past both in academia and industry, which has led to autonomy deployed on road. Though this approach provides ease of interpretation, its generalizability to unseen [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Jay Patrikar – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom link: Title: Wind-Field Estimation and Curvature Continuous Path Planning for Low Altitude Urban Aerial Mobility Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operating in dense urban areas need the ability to generate wind-aware collision-free, smooth, dynamically feasible trajectories between two locations. The complex and high-rise structure of the modern urban landscape affects the wind flow [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Benjamin Freed – MSR Thesis Talk

Where?:   Title: Discrete Communication Learning via Backpropagation for Distributed Computing on Bandwidth-Limited Communication Networks   Abstract: Efficient inter-agent communication is an important requirement for both cooperative multi-agent robotics tasks, as well as distributed computing.  In both of these domains, the rate at which information can be transferred between robots or computing nodes is often [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Tanvir Parhar – MSR Thesis Talk

Zoom Link: Title: Applications of Deep Learning for Robotic Agriculture.   Abstract: Agricultural automation is a varied and challenging field, with tasks ranging from detection to sizing and from manipulation to navigation. These are also precursors to effective plant breeding and management. Making plant measurements by manually scouting is labor-intensive and intractable at large scale. [...]