PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Visual Recognition Towards Autonomy

Abstract: Perception for autonomy presents a collection of compelling challenges for visual recognition. We focus on three key challenges in this thesis. The first key challenge is learning representations for 2D data such as RGB images. 2D sensing brings unique challenges in scale variance and occlusion. Intuitively, the cues for recognizing a 3px tall object [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Rich Models and Maps in Factor Graphs with Applications to Tactile Sensing

Abstract: Factor graphs offer a flexible and powerful framework for solving large-scale, nonlinear inference problems as encountered in robot perception. Typically these methods rely on simple models that are efficient to optimize. However, robots often perceive the world through complex, high-dimensional observations. They must in turn infer states that are used downstream by planning and [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Shubhankar Deshpande – MSR Thesis Talk


Where: Meeting ID: 925 2046 9322 Passcode: 323696   Calendar Invite: Title: Towards Interpretable RL — Interactive Visualizations to Increase Insight Abstract: Visualization tools for supervised learning (SL) allow users to interpret, introspect, and gain an intuition for the successes and failures of their models. While reinforcement learning (RL) practitioners ask many of [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Distributed Navigation of Quadrotor Teams in Uncertain 3D Workspaces

Abstract: A fundamental requirement for realizing scalable and responsive real-world multi-robot systems for time-sensitive critical applications such as search and rescue or building clearance is a motion-planning and coordination framework that exhibits two essential properties. The first property is safety which encompasses aspects relating to kinodynamic feasibility and collision-avoidance. The second property is reliability which [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Soft actuators by electrochemical oxidation of liquid metal surfaces

Abstract: Soft robotic systems typically operate through the use of soft actuators constructed from highly deformable materials or liquids. Because of their intrinsic compliance, these actuators can achieve elastic resilience and adaptability similar to their biological counterparts. One challenge with engineering these artificial muscles is the selection of soft materials and activation methods while maintaining [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Rohith Pillai – MSR Thesis Talk


ZOOM Link: Meeting ID: 953 4497 4779 Passcode: 783497   Title:  3D Face Reconstruction from Monocular Video and its Applications In the Wild   Abstract: 3D face reconstruction is a very popular field of computer vision due to its applications in social media, entertainment and health. However, ever since the introduction of 3D morphable models as [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

A Graph-Based Method for Joint Instance Segmentation of Point Clouds and Image Sequences

Abstract: While learning-based semantic instance segmentation methods have achieved impressive progress, their use is limited in robotics applications due to reliance on expensive training data annotations and assumptions of single sensor modality or known object classes. We propose a novel graph-based instance segmentation approach that combines information from a 2D image sequence and a 3D [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Continual Reinforcement Learning using Self-Activating Neural Ensembles

Abstract: The ability for an agent to continuously learn new skills without catastrophically forgetting existing knowledge is of critical importance for the development of generally intelligent agents. Most methods devised to address this problem depend heavily on well-defined task boundaries which simplify the problem considerably. Our task-agnostic method, Self-Activating Neural Ensembles (SANE), uses a hierarchical [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Unsupervised 2D-3D Lifting with Deep Structure Priors

Abstract: Learning to estimate non-rigid 3D structures from 2D imaged observations is bottle-necked by the availability of abundant 3D annotated data. Learning methods that reduce the amount of required annotation is of high practical value. In this regard, Non-Rigid Structure from Motion (NRSfM) methods offer the opportunity to infer 3D structures solely from 2D annotations. [...]