Student Talks
FRIDA: Supporting Artistic Communication in Real-World Image Synthesis Through Diverse Input Modalities
Abstract: FRIDA, a Framework and Robotics Initiative for Developing Arts, is a robot painting system designed to translate an artist's high-level intentions into real world paintings. FRIDA can paint from combinations of input images, text, style examples, sounds, and sketches. Planning is performed in a differentiable, simulated environment created using real data from the robot [...]
Perception for High-Speed Off-Road Driving
Abstract: On-road autonomous driving has seen rapid progress in recent years with driverless vehicles being tested in various cities worldwide. However, this progress is limited to cities with well-established infrastructure and has yet to transfer to off-road regimes with unstructured environments and few paved roads. Advances in high-speed and reliable autonomous off-road driving can unlock [...]
Continual Learning of Compositional Skills for Robust Robot Manipulation
Abstract: Real world robots need to continuously learn new manipulation tasks in a lifelong learning manner. These new tasks often share sub-structures (in the form of sub-tasks, controllers) with previously learned tasks. To utilize these shared sub-structures, we explore a compositional and object-centric approach to learn manipulation tasks. While compositionality in robot manipulation can manifest [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Samuel Ong
Title: Data-Driven Slip Model for Improved Localization and Path Following applied to Lunar Micro-Rovers Abstract Micro-lunar rovers need to solve a slew of challenges on the Moon, with no human intervention. One such challenge is the need to know their location in order to navigate and build maps. However, localization is challenging on the moon due [...]
Computational Interferometric Imaging
Abstract: Imaging systems typically accumulate photons that, as they travel from a light source to a camera, follow multiple different paths and interact with several scene objects. This multi-path accumulation process confounds the information that is available in captured images about the scene and makes using these images to infer properties of scene objects, such [...]
Robust and Context-Aware Real-Time Collaborative Robot Handling with Dynamic Gesture Commands
Abstract: Real-time collaborative robot (cobot) handling is a task where the cobot maneuvers an object under human dynamic gesture commands. Enabling dynamic gesture commands is useful when the human needs to avoid direct contact with the robot or the object handled by the robot. However, the key challenge lies in the heterogeneity in human behaviors [...]
Equivalent Policy Sets for Learning Aligned Models and Abstractions
Abstract: Recent successes in model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) have demonstrated the enormous value that learned representations of environmental dynamics (i.e., models) can impart to autonomous decision making. While a learned model can never perfectly represent the dynamics of complex environments, models that are accurate in the "right” ways may still be highly useful for decision [...]
Dynamic Route Guidance in Vehicle Networks by Simulating Future Traffic Patterns
Abstract: Roadway congestion leads to wasted time and money and environmental damage. Since adding more roadway capacity is often not possible in urban environments, it is becoming more important to use existing road networks more efficiently. Toward this goal, recent research in real-time, schedule-driven intersection control has shown an ability to significantly reduce the delays [...]
Adaptive Robotic Assistance through Observations of Human Behavior
Abstract: Assistive robots should take actions that support people's goals. This is especially true as robots enter into environments where personal agency is paramount, such as a person's home. Home environments have a wide variety of "optimal' solutions that depend on personal preference, making it difficult for a robot to know the goal it should [...]
Beyond Pick-and-Place: Towards Dynamic and Contact-rich Motor Skills with Reinforcement Learning
Abstract: Interactions with the physical world are at the core of robotics. However, robotics research, especially in manipulation, has been mainly focused on tasks with limited interactions with the physical world such as pick-and-place or pushing objects on the table top. These interactions are often quasi-static, have predefined or limited sequence of contact events and [...]