PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning for Sustained Lunar Polar Roving

GHC 4405

Abstract: Lunar polar resources can accelerate deep space exploration by resupplying missions with oxygen, water, and propellent. Before lunar resupply can be established, the distribution and concentration of water ice and other volatiles abundant at the poles of the Moon must be verified and mapped. The need for affordable, scalable exploration of the lunar poles [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Lidar Simulation for Robotic Application Development: Modeling and Evaluation

NSH 1305

Abstract: Given the increase in scale and complexity of robotics, robot application development is challenging in the real world. It may be expensive, unsafe, or impractical to collect data, or test systems, in reality. Simulation provides an answer to these challenges. In simulation, data collection is relatively inexpensive, scenes can be procedurally generated, and state [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Adapting to Context in Robot Perception

NSH 3305

Abstract: The promised future filled with robots sensing and acting intelligently in the world is near fruition, thanks in part to continuous progress in robotic perception. However, a number of challenges remain before robots and their perception systems can be truly reliable. In particular, we must consider what happens when highly complex perception systems designed [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Depth Imaging for Navigation in Challenging Environments

NSH 1507

Abstract: Depth sensors for robust navigation must measure scenes in darkness, bright light, and in scattering media. Scanning LIDAR devices are the most robust to these conditions, but capture sparse measurements, are slow, and expensive. Consumer depth cameras, on the other hand, are inexpensive and produce dense, high rate depth measurements, but fail in bright [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning with Auxiliary Supervision

NSH 1507

Abstract: Supervised learning for high-level vision tasks has advanced significantly over the last decade. One of the primary driving forces for these improvements has been the availability of vast amounts of labeled data. However, annotating data is an expensive and time-consuming process. For example, densely segmenting a natural scene image takes approximately 30 minutes. This mode [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Conditional Choice Probabilities

NSH 4513

Abstract: We make an important connection to existing results in econometrics to describe an alternative formulation of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). In particular, we describe an algorithm to solve the IRL problem, using easy-to-compute estimates of the Conditional Choice Probability (CCP) vector, which is the policy function of an expert integrated over factors econometricians cannot [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Using Multiple Fidelity Models in Motion Planning

GHC 4405

Abstract: Hospitals and warehouses use autonomous delivery robots to increase productivity. Robots must reliably navigate unstructured non-uniform environments which requires efficient long-term operation that robustly accounts for unforeseen circumstances. However, unreliable autonomous robots need continuous operator assistance, which decreases throughput and negates a robot's benefit. Planning with high fidelity models is more likely to lead [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Monocular Depth Reconstruction using Geometry and Deep Networks

NSH 1507

In this thesis, we explore methods of building dense depth map from monocular video. First, we introduce our multi-view stereo pipeline, which utilizes photometric bundle adjustment for getting accurate depth of textured regions from small motion video. Second, we improve the depth estimation of low-texture region by fusing deep convolutional network predictions. We categorize the [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Liquid Metal-Microelectronics Integration for a Sensorized Soft Robot Skin

Scaife Hall 224

Abstract: Progress in the emerging field of soft robotics depends on the integration of sensors that are capable of sensing, power regulation, and signal processing. Commercially available microelectronics are well suited for these needs, as well as small enough to preserve the natural mechanics of a host system. Here, we present a method for integrating [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Depth from Monocular Videos using Direct Methods

GHC 7101

The ability to predict depth from a single image - using recent advances in CNNs - is of increasing interest to the vision community. Unsupervised strategies to learning are particularly appealing as they can utilize much larger and varied monocular video datasets during learning without the need for ground truth depth or stereo. In previous works, separate pose and [...]