PhD Thesis Defense
Michael Shomin
Carnegie Mellon University

Navigation and Physical Interaction with Balancing Robots

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: This work describes methods for advancing the state of the art in mobile robot navigation and physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI). An enabling technology in this effort is the ballbot, a person-sized mobile robot that balances on a ball. This underactuated robot presents unique challenges in planning, navigation, and control; however, it [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Yen-Chia Hsu
Carnegie Mellon University

Designing Data Visualization and Crowdsourcing Systems in Community-based Citizen Science

Event Location: GHC 4405Abstract: Citizen science forges partnerships between experts and citizens through collaboration and has become a trend in public participation in scientific research over the past decade. While public participation has been applied to science education, researchers recently noticed that this strategy can contribute to participatory democracy, which empowers citizens to advocate for [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Abhinav Shrivastava
Carnegie Mellon University

Discovering and Leveraging Visual Structure for Large-scale Recognition

Event Location: GHC 4405Abstract: Visual Recognition has seen tremendous advances in the last decade. This progress is primarily due to learning algorithms trained with two key ingredients: large amounts of data and extensive supervision. While acquiring visual data is cheap, getting it labeled is far more expensive. So how do we enable learning algorithms to [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Michael D. Taylor
Carnegie Mellon University

Calibration and Characterization of Low-Cost Fine Particulate Monitors and their Effect on Individual Empowerment

Event Location: GHC 8102Abstract: Air quality has long been a major health concern for citizens around the world, and increased levels of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been definitively linked to serious health effects such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness, and increased mortality. PM2.5 is one of six attainment criteria pollutants used by [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Kevin A. Lenzo
Carnegie Mellon University

Improving Prosody through Analysis by Synthesis

Event Location: GHC 6501Abstract: An iterative model-based method is proposed for improving linguistic structure, segmentation, and prosodic annotations that correspond to the delivery of each utterance as regularized across the data. For each iteration, the training utterances are resynthized according to the existing symbolic annotation. Values of various features and subgraph structures are "twiddled:" each [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Sanjiban Choudhury
Carnegie Mellon University

Adaptive Motion Planning

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Mobile robots are increasingly being deployed in the real world in response to a heightened demand for applications such as transportation, delivery and inspection. The motion planning systems for these robots are expected to have consistent performance across the wide range of scenarios that they encounter. While state-of-the art planners can [...]

PhD Thesis Defense

Automatic Analysis of Facial Actions: Learning from Transductive, Supervised and Unsupervised Frameworks

GHC 4405

Abstract Automatic analysis of facial actions (AFA) can reveal a person's emotion, intention, and physical state, and make possible a wide range of applications. To enable reliable, valid, and efficient AFA, this thesis investigates both supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning for AFA is challenging, in part, because of individual differences among persons in face [...]

PhD Thesis Defense

Measuring Human Motion in Social Interactions

GHC 6501

Tomas Simon Carnegie Mellon University Abstract This thesis develops methods for social signal reconstruction---in particular, we measure human motion during social interactions. Compared to other work in this space, we aim to measure the entire body, from the overall body pose to subtle hand gestures and facial expressions. The key to achieving this without placing [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal

Robust and Natural Gait via Neuromuscular Control for Transfemoral Prostheses

Porter Hall A19C

Nitish Thatte Carnegie Mellon University February 03, 2017, Robust and Natural Gait via Neuromuscular Control for Transfemoral Prostheses, Porter Hall A19C Abstract We present work towards developing a control method for powered knee and ankle prostheses based on a neuromuscular model of human locomotion. Previous research applying neuromuscular control to simulated biped models and to [...]

PhD Thesis Defense

Online Lidar and Vision based Ego-motion Estimation and Mapping

GHC 4405

Ji Zhang Carnegie Mellon University Abstract In many real-world applications, ego-motion estimation and mapping must be conducted online. In the robotics world, especially, real-time motion estimates are important for control of autonomous vehicles, while online generated maps are crucial for obstacle avoidance and path planning. Further, the complete map of a traversed environment can be [...]