PhD Thesis Proposal
Edward Hsiao
Carnegie Mellon University

Looking Beyond Shape for Instance Recognition of Weakly-Textured Objects

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: Object instance detection is a fundamental problem in Computer Vision and has been extensively studied in the past. From a single image, the goal is to detect a specific object from an arbitrary viewpoint in a cluttered environment. While the use of discriminative point-based features such as SIFT works well for [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Yuandong Tian
Carnegie Mellon University

Modeling and Estimating Non-rigid Image Deformation

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Non-rigid deformations of surfaces and volumes result in complex distortions in images. Modeling deformation can help better understand such real-world phenomena and extract useful information about the scenes. This is closely related to many core vision tasks, such as image alignment, matching, tracking, detection and recognition. Modeling deformation remains challenging because [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Lingzhi Luo
Carnegie Mellon University

Distributed Algorithms for Constrained Multi-robot Dynamic Task Assignment with Formal Performance Guarantees

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: The task assignment problem is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems. It has been extensively studied in operation research, management science, computer science and robotics. In multi-robot systems (MRS), there are various applications of task assignment, such as environmental monitoring, search and rescue, disaster response, extraterrestrial exploration, sensing data collection [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Umashankar Nagarajan
Carnegie Mellon University

Fast and Graceful Balancing Mobile Robots

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Personal mobile robots will soon be operating and closely interacting with us in human environments. Balancing mobile robots can be effective personal robots as they can be tall enough for eye-level interaction and narrow enough to navigate cluttered environments, and they also have the dynamic capabilities to move with speed and [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Prasanna Velagapudi
Carnegie Mellon University

Distributed Planning Under Uncertainty for Large Teams

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: In many domains, teams of hundreds of agents must cooperatively plan to perform tasks in a complex, uncertain environment. This requires that each agent take into account teammates' states, observations, and actions when making decisions about its own actions. Naively, finding a good policy involves searching this large joint space, but [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Brian C. Becker
Carnegie Mellon University

Vision-Based Control of a Handheld Micromanipulator for Robot-Assisted Retinal Surgery

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: Surgeons increasingly need to perform complex operations on extremely small anatomy. Many existing and promising new surgeries are effective, but difficult or impossible to perform because humans lack the extraordinary control required at sub-millimeter scales. Using micromanipulators, surgeons gain higher positioning accuracy and additional dexterity as the instrument removes tremor and [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Santosh K. Divvala
Carnegie Mellon University

Context and Subcategories for Sliding Window Object Recognition

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: Object recognition is one of the fundamental challenges in computer vision, where the goal is to identify and localize the extent of object instances within an image. The current de facto standard for building high-performance object category detectors is the sliding window approach. This approach involves scanning an image with a [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Alvaro Collet Romea
Carnegie Mellon University

Lifelong Robotic Object Recognition

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: In this thesis, we study the topic of Lifelong Robotic Object Perception. We propose, as a long-term goal, a framework to recognize known objects and to discover unknown objects in the environment as the robot operates, for as long as the robot operates. We build the foundations for Lifelong Robotic Object [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Scott Satkin
Carnegie Mellon University

Data-Driven Geometric Scene Understanding

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: In this thesis proposal, we describe a data-driven approach to leverage repositories of 3D models for scene understanding. Our ability to relate what we see in an image to a large collection of 3D models allows us to transfer information from these models, creating a rich understanding of the scene. We [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Felix Duvallet
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Natural Language Direction Following through Unknown Environments

Event Location: GHC 4405Abstract: Commanding robots through unconstrained natural language directions is intuitive, flexible, and does not require specialized interfaces or training. Providing this capability would enable effortless coordination in human robot teams that operate in non-specialized environments. However, natural language direction following through unknown environments requires understanding the structure of language, mapping verbs and [...]