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Events for April 2022 › Student Talks › PhD Speaking Qualifier › – Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon UniversitySkip to content
Abstract: In this work we tackle the path planning problem for a 21-dimensional snake robot-like, navigating a cluttered gas turbine for the purposes of inspection. Heuristic search-based approaches are effective planning strategies for common manipulation domains. However, their performance on high-dimensional systems is heavily reliant on the effectiveness of the action space and the heuristics [...]
Abstract: Tactile sensing has seen a rapid adoption with the advent of vision-based tactile sensors. Vision-based tactile sensors provide high resolution, compact and inexpensive data to perform precise in-hand manipulation and human-robot interaction. However, the simulation of tactile sensors is still a challenge. Simulation is a critical tool in the development of robotic systems. In [...]
Abstract We propose kernel density decision trees (KDDTs), a novel fuzzy decision tree (FDT) formalism based on kernel density estimation that improves the robustness of decision trees and ensembles and offers additional utility. FDTs mitigate the sensitivity of decision trees to uncertainty by representing uncertainty through fuzzy partitions. However, compared to conventional, crisp decision trees, [...]
Abstract: In this talk, I will describe a data-driven method for inferring camera poses given a sparse collection of images of an arbitrary object. This task is a core component of classic geometric pipelines such as structure-from-motion (SFM), and also serves as a vital pre-processing requirement for contemporary neural approaches (e.g. NeRF) to object reconstruction. [...]
Abstract: In this talk I'll describe how recent advances in neural rendering and novel view synthesis - namely NeRF - can be leveraged by robotic agents to improve performance in manipulation tasks. Specifically, I'll argue that NeRF can enable robotic policies to: (1) generalize to new viewpoints; (2) perceive specular and reflective surfaces in a [...]
Abstract: Achieving robust performance is crucial when applying deep reinforcement learning (RL) in safety critical systems. Some of the state of the art approaches try to address the problem with adversarial agents, but these agents often require expert supervision to fine tune and prevent the adversary from becoming too challenging to the trainee agent. While [...]
Abstract: This talk is the same one I will be presenting at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems on May 2nd. Paper abstract: Today’s consumer virtual reality (VR) systems offer limited haptic feedback via vibration motors in handheld controllers. Rendering haptics to other parts of the body is an open challenge, [...]
Abstract: In this talk I will present our sampling-based approach to informative path planning that allows us to tackle the challenges of large and high-dimensional search spaces. This is done by performing informed sampling in the high-dimensional continuous space and incorporating potential information gain along edges in the reward estimation. This method rapidly generates a [...]
Abstract: Practical use of robotic manipulators made from soft materials requires generating and executing complex motions. We present the first approach for generating trajectories of a thermally-actuated soft robotic manipulator. Based on simplified approximations of the soft arm and its antagonistic shape-memory alloy actuator coils, we justify a dynamics model of a discretized rigid manipulator [...]