PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

HyperDynamics: Generating Expert Dynamics Models by Observation

Abstract: We propose HyperDynamics, a framework that conditions on an agent’s interactions with the environment and optionally its visual observations, and generates the parameters of neural dynamics models based on inferred properties of the dynamical system. Physical and visual properties of the environment that are not part of the low-dimensional state yet affect its temporal [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Direct Fitting of Mixture Models

Abstract: There exist many choices of 3D shape representation. Some recent work has advocated for the use of Gaussian Mixture Models as a compact representation for 3D shapes and scenes. These models are typically fit to point clouds, even when the shapes were obtained as 3D meshes. Here we present a formulation for fitting Gaussian [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Principal Research Programmer / Analyst
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Terrain Perception using Structured Light for Micro-Rovers

Abstract: With continuing advancement in technology, the future of planetary exploration is likely to be dominated by robotic missions. Yet rovers capable of science investigations are slow and bulky with very limited computing which prohibits demonstrating full autonomy. These rovers are also risk averse due to their huge mission cost. However there is a new [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Analysis of Deadlock in Multirobot Systems

Abstract: Collision avoidance for multirobot systems is a well-studied problem. Recently, control barrier functions (CBFs) have been proposed for synthesizing controllers that guarantee safety while simultaneously encouraging goal stabilization for multiple robots. However, it has been noted that reactive control synthesis methods (such as CBFs) are prone to deadlock, an equilibrium of system dynamics that [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Interleaving Graph Search and Trajectory Optimization for Aggressive Quadrotor Flight

Abstract: Quadrotors can achieve aggressive flight by tracking complex maneuvers and rapidly changing directions. Planning for aggressive flight with trajectory optimization could be incredibly fast, even in higher dimensions, and can account for dynamics of the quadrotor, however, only provides a locally optimal solution. On the other hand, planning with discrete graph search can handle [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

See, Hear, Explore: Curiosity via Audio-Visual Association

Abstract: Exploration is one of the core challenges in reinforcement learning. A common formulation of curiosity-driven exploration uses the difference between the real future and the future predicted by a learned model. However, predicting the future is an inherently difficult task which can be ill-posed in the face of stochasticity. In this work, we introduce [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video

Abstract: We present a method to capture temporally coherent dynamic clothing deformation from a monocular RGB video input. In contrast to the existing literature, our method does not require a pre-scanned personalized mesh template, and thus can be applied to in-the-wild videos. To constrain the output to a valid deformation space, we build statistical deformation [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Policy Decomposition : Approximate Optimal Control with Suboptimality Estimates

Abstract: Owing to the curse of dimensionality, numerically computing global policies to optimal control problems for complex dynamical systems quickly becomes intractable. In consequence, a number of approximation methods have been developed. However, none of the current methods can quantify by how much the resulting control underperforms the elusive globally optimal solution. We propose Policy [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Explicit Policy Estimates

Abstract: Various methods for solving the inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) problem have been developed independently in machine learning and economics. In particular, the method of Maximum Causal Entropy IRL is based on the perspective of entropy maximization, while related advances in the field of economics instead assume the existence of unobserved action shocks to explain [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning to Compose Hierarchical Object-Centric Controllers for Robotic Manipulation

Abstract: To perform manipulation tasks in the real world, robots need to operate on objects with various shapes, sizes and without access to geometric models. It is often infeasible to train monolithic neural network policies across such large variance in object properties. Towards this generalization challenge, we propose task-axis controllers, which are defined relative to [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Causal Reasoning in Simulation for Structure and Transfer Learning of Robot Manipulation Policies

Abstract: Real-world environments, such as homes, hospitals, and restaurants, often contain many objects that a robot could possibly manipulate. However, for a given manipulation task, only a small number of objects and object properties may actually be relevant. This talk presents CREST (Causal Reasoning for Efficient Structure Transfer), our approach to learn the relevant state [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Grasping Transparent, Specular, and Deformable Objects

Abstract: A large body of research exists on grasping for objects with ideal properties like Lambertian reflectance and rigidity. On the other hand, real-world environments contain many objects for which such properties do not hold, such as transparent, specular, and deformable objects. For such objects, new approaches are required to achieve the same level of [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

PoseIt: A Visual-Tactile Dataset of Holding Poses for Grasp Stability Analysis

Abstract: When humans grasp objects in the real world, we often move our arm to hold the object in a different pose where we can use it. In contrast, typical lab settings only study the stability of the grasp immediately after lifting, without any subsequent re-positioning of the arm. However, an object’s stability could vary [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning to Minimize Human and Robot Efforts Over Tasks

Abstract: It is not feasible to pre-program robots a priori for every possible task they may encounter in unstructured domains. Upon encountering a task that a robot can't solve, one common strategy is to teach it new skills via demonstrations. However, demonstrating a task can often be more cumbersome than performing the task directly. This [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Fine-Tuning Offline Reinforcement Learning with Model-Based Policy Optimization

Abstract: In offline reinforcement learning (RL), we attempt to learn a control policy from a fixed dataset of environment interactions. This setting has the potential benefit of allowing us to learn effective policies without needing to collect additional interactive data, which can be expensive or dangerous in real-world systems. However, traditional off-policy RL methods tend [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Modeling Coupled Human-Robot Motion for Provable Safety

Abstract: Guide robots that help users who are blind or low vision navigate through crowds and complex environments show promise for improving accessibility in public spaces. These robots must provide real-time safety guarantees for the users, which requires accurate modeling of their behavior in the context of closely coupled human-robot motion. This model must also [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Diminished Reality for Close Quarters Robotic Telemanipulation

Abstract: In robot telemanipulation tasks, the robot itself can sometimes occlude a target object from the user's view. We investigate the potential of diminished reality to address this problem. Our method uses an optical see-through head-mounted display to create a diminished reality illusion that the robot is transparent, allowing users to see occluded areas behind [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human Heads

Meeting ID: 942 4671 0665 Passcode: jkhzoom Abstract: Photorealistic rendering of dynamic humans is an important capability for telepresence systems. Recently, neural rendering methods have been developed to create high-fidelity models of humans and objects. Some of these methods do not produce results with high-enough fidelity for driveable human models (Neural Volumes) whereas others have [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

An Experimental Design Perspective on Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

NSH 3305

Abstract: In many practical applications of RL, it is expensive to observe state transitions from the environment. For example, in the problem of plasma control for nuclear fusion, computing the next state for a given state-action pair requires querying an expensive transition function which can lead to many hours of computer simulation or dollars of [...]